Contact Us

Nairobi HQ Office

Feel free to reach out to us, if you want to know more about how we can help you. You can also fill out the contact form below to have us get in touch with you.


Allimex Plaza, 2nd floor, suite 204
Mombasa Road
Nairobi, Kenya
(Next to Mombasa Rd/Likoni Rd interchange,
follow byroad along Nextgen Mall)
Company reg. no. PVT-27U5KZ3G


+254 (0) 759 538 698
+254 (0) 700 853 425

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Mombasa Branch Office

Feel free to reach out to us, if you want to know more about how we can help you. You can also fill out the contact form below to have us get in touch with you.


Twenty Twenty Hayaat Plaza, 2nd floor, room 2
2nd Avenue, Nyali
Mombasa, Kenya

(On 2nd Avenue, next to PrideInn Hotel Nyali)


+254 (0) 759 538 698
+254 (0) 700 853 425

You can fill out the form below and describe your recruitment interests, then we will get in touch with you as soon as possible to start a dialogue.